THE Straits Times Index (STI) fell 27.65 points, or 0.8 per cent, early on Monday to 3,389.86 in the wake of Wall Street's tumble before the weekend, when strong US jobs data raised concerns of earlier-than-expected interest rate hikes.
A total of 65 million shares worth S$128.7 million changed hands as at 9:01am. Losers outpaced gainers 107 to 41.
The most active stocks out of the gate were Noble Group, down 2.4 per cent or 2.5 Singapore cents to S$1.03 as at 9:02am, and Hutchison Port Holdings Trust, down 0.7 per cent or 0.5 Singapore cent to 69 Singapore cents.
A total of 65 million shares worth S$128.7 million changed hands as at 9:01am. Losers outpaced gainers 107 to 41.
The most active stocks out of the gate were Noble Group, down 2.4 per cent or 2.5 Singapore cents to S$1.03 as at 9:02am, and Hutchison Port Holdings Trust, down 0.7 per cent or 0.5 Singapore cent to 69 Singapore cents.