SINGAPORE shares opened lower on Friday with the Straits Times Index down 4.10 points to 3,422.08 at 9.02am, after falling oil prices hit oil-linked equities on the Dow Jones Industrial Average and S&P 500.
In all, some 127.2 million shares worth S$219.9 million changed hands, with gainers outnumbering losers 74 to 69.
The exchange's most active stocks were Noble Group and Golden Agri-Resources.
On resuming trading today, Noble lost six cents or 5.7 per cent to S$1. Some 22.9 million shares changed hands. It had reported a net Q4 loss of US$240 million and come under a second attack by anonymous short-seller Iceberg Research on Thursday, which led it to halt trading in its shares.
In all, some 127.2 million shares worth S$219.9 million changed hands, with gainers outnumbering losers 74 to 69.
The exchange's most active stocks were Noble Group and Golden Agri-Resources.
On resuming trading today, Noble lost six cents or 5.7 per cent to S$1. Some 22.9 million shares changed hands. It had reported a net Q4 loss of US$240 million and come under a second attack by anonymous short-seller Iceberg Research on Thursday, which led it to halt trading in its shares.