SINGAPORE share prices opened lower on Thursday with the Straits Times Index down 3.88 points to 3,436.95 at 9am, following mixed corporate earnings in the United States and a second day of congressional testimony from Fed chair Janet Yellen.
In all, some 54.6 million shares worth S$69.3 million changed hands, with gainers outnumbering losers 66 to 63.
Among the exchange's most active stocks was Genting Singapore, which broke its S$1 resistance on Wednesday after a disappointing set of Q4 results. Some 5.6 million Genting shares changed hands in early trading, while the stock price stayed flat at S$0.98.
In all, some 54.6 million shares worth S$69.3 million changed hands, with gainers outnumbering losers 66 to 63.
Among the exchange's most active stocks was Genting Singapore, which broke its S$1 resistance on Wednesday after a disappointing set of Q4 results. Some 5.6 million Genting shares changed hands in early trading, while the stock price stayed flat at S$0.98.