Asian markets mostly rose Friday after European leaders and Russia agreed a plan to end Ukraine's 10-month war, while traders were confident Greece would eventually hammer out a debt overhaul with its creditors.
The upbeat outlook for the crises provided a catalyst for an equities rally in Europe and the United States, a mantle picked up in bourses across Asia.
Hong Kong rose 0.46 per cent, Shanghai added 0.50 per cent and Seoul put on 0.33 per cent, while Sydney rallied 1.09 per cent as energy firms were boosted by a rebound in oil prices.
But Tokyo, which hit a seven-year high Thursday, slipped 0.31 per cent.
The upbeat outlook for the crises provided a catalyst for an equities rally in Europe and the United States, a mantle picked up in bourses across Asia.
Hong Kong rose 0.46 per cent, Shanghai added 0.50 per cent and Seoul put on 0.33 per cent, while Sydney rallied 1.09 per cent as energy firms were boosted by a rebound in oil prices.
But Tokyo, which hit a seven-year high Thursday, slipped 0.31 per cent.