Oil prices edged higher in Asia on Thursday after data showed US stockpiles dipping, while the Federal Reserve indicated interest rates would not be hiked until the middle of next year. US benchmark West Texas Intermediate for January delivery rose eight cents to US$56.55 while Brent crude for February gained 18 US cents to US$61.36 in mid-morning trade.The gains add to an advance Wednesday that came after the Department of Energy said reserves in the world’s top crude consumer fell by 800,000 barrels in the week ending December 12.
SELL SINGTEL BELOW 3.850 TARGET 3.810 3.750 SL 3.900
Oil prices edged higher in Asia on Thursday after data showed US stockpiles dipping, while the Federal Reserve indicated interest rates would not be hiked until the middle of next year. US benchmark West Texas Intermediate for January delivery rose eight cents to US$56.55 while Brent crude for February gained 18 US cents to US$61.36 in mid-morning trade.The gains add to an advance Wednesday that came after the Department of Energy said reserves in the world’s top crude consumer fell by 800,000 barrels in the week ending December 12.
SELL SINGTEL BELOW 3.850 TARGET 3.810 3.750 SL 3.900